Board Members
Susan Hart
HRM Chair - Vice President of Reinhardt Construction - Columbia
Al Purcell
HRM Immediate Past Chair - Past Chair Hawthorn Foundation - St Joseph
Bob Herleth
Invest STL, St Louis Community Foundation
Brian Murphy
Brian Murphy
Owner BAM Contracting LLC - StL
Chip Casteel
Former Senior VP St Louis Regional Chamber - StL
Clark Davis
Clark Davis
Principal Consultant - Cameron MacAllister Group - Former vice chairman HOK Architects - StL
Jeff Neal
Chief Executive Manager - Neal Group Construction - Joplin
Katheryn Shields
Katheryn Shields
Attorney, former KC Council member and Jackson County Executive
Mike Marsh
Treasurer- CPA - Cohen Esrey - KC
Paul Shaughnessy
Paul Shaughnessy
President BSI Constructors - StL
Randy Schilling
Founder MembershipWare and OPO Startups - St Charles
Ryan Anderson
Co-Founder Platform Ventures
Sean Spencer
HRM Secretary- Executive Director - Tower Grove Community Development Corporation - StL
Steve Smith
CEO Lawrence Group/ New and Found - StL
Tim Green
Tim Wies
President TJ Wies Contracting - St. Charles
Vince Schoemehl
Past Chair - Former Mayor St. Louis
Chris Swan
Chris Swan
Managing Partner- BRP Architects- Springfield, MO
Jim Farrell
Jim Farrell
President - Historic Revitalization for Missouri